It was an interesting process in discovering how to make oat milk. Many of the websites provided similar instructions to almond milk - blend up oats with water and strain. Voila! Oat milk. Unfortunately, soluble starches in oats become quite slimy when hydrated. That resulted in a slimy oat milk. Blech. There had to be a way to avoid the sliminess, but the solutions I found like using ice cold water did not fix the issue. It wasn't until we came across a particular enzyme that we started to find success.
Amylase is an enzyme present in our saliva. It can also be purchased as a supplement to improve digestibility. It happens to be really good at making oat milk. When I'm working with amylase, it feels like having a little buddy in the kitchen. A powerful little buddy who converts all the soluble oat starch into sugar. This is why some oat milks will advertise as"no added sugar" or "unsweetened", even though they have a sugar content. Adding amylase also removes all sliminess. Voila! Oat milk. I'd give him a raise if I could.